Last week I had the privilege of speaking to a group of bright, enthusiastic students attending the 2011 speech and debate camp run by Training Minds Ministry.
At the end of my presentation the founder of this group, Chris Jeub, asked this question, “If there is limited time to teach children the essentials of Math, Science, History, Literature etc, then why invest time and money to teach children the skill of speech and debate?”
My answer was emphatic.
All of the knowledge you can accumulate is of little value if you can’t communicate it. The people who are in most demand in this world are people who have the ability to articulate what they know, people who have the skills to debate what they believe.
Whether one is the CEO of a major corporation, pastor of a local church or the parent of a family, a MAJOR part of their ability to do that job with excellence is to know how to communicate well. The students I saw at this camp are far advanced in speaking skills. Because of those skills their chances to succeed in any field they choose is multiplied significantly.
So my answer was YES! Communication skills are the KEY to success, and essential to affective life.
Over the years those attending our Dynamic Communicators Workshops have raved about the difference the training made in
their public speaking,
their writing,
their relationships and
their ability to plan and focus their life.
When we teach people how to aim for an outcome in speaking it ends up affecting their whole life. Aim at nothing you will hit it every time. Know where you are going and you can take anyone with you.
Join me and some of the country’s Top Instructors in Vail Colorado October 17 – 20/21 and learn how to focus, your verbal communication, your writing, and your life.